
World Red Cross Day May 8, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011

MANILA, Philippines – World Red Cross Day is celebrated annually on May 8. The day commemorates the Birth of the founder of the Red Cross movement, Henri Dunant. The observance of World Red Cross Day draws global focus on the hard work that all National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies render worldwide for the relief of human distress and misery brought about by disease, famine, disaster, and others.
Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have the world’s largest independent humanitarian networks for relief provision covering over 170 countries. Recent research reveals that in 2010, Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers contributed around $6 billion in economic value through services delivered worldwide during disasters and through everyday community development initiatives. The study also showed that on the average, Red Cross and Red Crescent  volunteers extend the organization’s workforce by a ratio of 1:20, meaning that for every paid personnel, there are at least 20 volunteers. The total number of volunteers worldwide is estimated at 13.1 million.
As we celebrate World Red Cross Day this year, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies urge all governments to formally recognize the economic value of volunteers by incorporating their contribution into key economic and social indicators used in planning and decision-making. Governments worldwide are also called upon to increase protection of volunteers by identifying gaps or barriers in laws and policies related to issues such as liability, insurance, and health and safety.
Let us also support the campaign that the international federation has launched this year, asking people around the world to “find the volunteer inside” by giving their time, creating a safer environment for volunteers, providing workplace opportunities that enable employees to volunteer or fit volunteering into their busy schedules.
Let us dignify the efforts of our Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers by being one of them.

On May 8, 186 Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies across the globe, including the Philippine Red Cross (PRC), will celebrate World Red Cross Day focusing on volunteerism under the theme "Find the Volunteer Inside You."
The United Nations has declared 2011 as the International Year of Volunteers. The year 2011 also marks the ten-year anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers highlighted every 5th of December as International Volunteers Day.
First and foremost, 2011 is Red Cross and Red Crescent Year, the Movement being the oldest and biggest voluntary organization in the world since 1863 with nearly 100 million volunteers and members doing humanitarian work across the globe.
PRC Chairman Richard J. Gordon finds this year a unique opportunity of recognizing volunteers as vital driving force of the organization by organizing "Red Cross Million Volunteer Run," aimed at breaking all records and creating a culture of volunteerism in the country.
Gordon said this is a Run where all participants will be trained as disaster responders on the ground when disaster strikes – a Run that will reduce disaster risks and vulnerability of the community and build its capacity to cope with emergencies.
"This is a Run that can save life in a country like the Philippines that is prone to calamities," according to Gordon.
All participants will be registered under the umbrella of "Red Cross 143" program, a flag ship volunteer program of PRC aimed at recruiting and training 44 volunteers in every barangay – one to serve as a leader and 43 as members.
The Chairman said, the Run also aims to raise Php 1 billion from the one million runners with corporate partners sponsoring 1,000 to 5,000 participants at Php 1,000 each. The amount raised will be used to train participants on disaster preparedness and response and equip the community with life-saving tools.
The Run which will be held simultaneously in key cities in the country on December 4, 2011, will be formally launched on May 9, 12:00 p.m. at Manila Polo Club, Makati City, with the participation of volunteers and corporate partners that have committed to support the event.
Also on World Red Day, in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross, PRC will hold Volunteer Cyber Party where volunteers will upload their photos on their Facebook with message of support to be launched and posted by PRC and ICRC on Facebook on April 30. Volunteers will tag PRC for their photos and message. This will be received immediately by PRC. The Cyber Party will be a weeklong event from April 30 to May 7, 2011 aimed at getting more volunteers online.
All the 100 Red Cross chapters nationwide will hold various activities in their respective areas with the participation of their volunteers.


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