
Child Protection in the Philippines

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This is a project supported by the Arci Cultura E Sviluppo, Save the Children (UK) Philippines, and UNICEF Manila with the participation of 8 more organizations. This undertaking aims to present to the world the situation of abused children and the roles of these organizations in addressing the issues through the World Wide Web.

If you are an organization or individual involved in the same field in the Philippines or even outside the Philippines but providing services to Filipino children, you definitely belong to this site! Be a contributor -- articles, data, studies, photos or literary pieces. We believe an official website is timely, or should we say long overdue. Please let this effort be the link in uniting individuals and organizations to help the Filipino child.

THE PROJECT. In mid 1997, several child-focused organizations in the Philippines began to independently consider the internet as a useful tool in research work, advocacy and networking. Several organizations felt that so much work had been done in the Philippines in the area of child protection, and that a collection of these initiatives may benefit a large group -- from direct service workers and child care workers to policy makers, funding institutions, government agencies, researchers and other interested individuals and groups.

Consultations were conducted among government and non-government organizations. A steering committee was eventually formed which was responsible for the conceptualization and the development of the web page and data base project. Members of the committee include The Advisory Board Foundation, Arci Cultura e Sviluppo, Ateneo Human Rights Center-Adhikain Para Sa Karapatang Pambata, Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse, Council for the Welfare of Children, Department of Social Welfare and Development, ECPAT-Philippines, Child Protection Unit, Save the Children (UK) Philippines, UNICEF-Manila, and the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies-Psychosocial Trauma & Human Rights Program.

The project provides a comprehensive view of the situation in the Philippines and the status of the program development work in addressing these issues. It features various programs and practices administered by both the government and non-government organizations. Secondly, it will collect volumes of research work that can be shared remotely by downloading via Internet and incidentally minimize duplication of research initiatives.

Participating Organizations
The Advisory Board
Mission Statement
The Advisory Board Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization established in 1993 as the private, family foundation of Katherine B. and David G. Bradley. We are dedicated to serving those who, in turn, serve those most in need. Our work in the United States, Russia, and the Philippine focuses on child health, child abuse, and homelessness.
Work in the Philippines
In the Philippines, the Advisory Board Foundation's goal is to combat child abuse and neglect through searching, training, and by assisting direct service providers. Our collaboration with the Philippine General Hospital Child Protection Unit is the centerpiece of our activities in Manila. Other programs in the Philippines include partnerships aimed at enhancing the medical and legal protection available to children who have been abused. We have also published various guides for physicians and other direct service providers, including the Children's Resource GuideA Physician's Guide to Laws Concerning Child Abuse, and A Physician's Guide to Protecting Child Abuse Patient's Confidentiality.
The Advisory Board Foundation is chaired by David G. Bradley. The Managing Director of the Advisory Board Foundation, Manila is Dr. Victoria L.M. Herrera. Jennifer Gilmore, the International Program Manager, is the Advisory Board Foundation's fulltime representative in Manila.
Contact Info
Suite 1803 Marbella II Condominiums, Roxas Boulevard,
Malate, Manila
Tel / Fax: (632) 526-1390; (632) 522-2829

ARCS was established in Manila in March 1997. It is a non-governmental organization and the international arm of ARCI, a large movement in Italy that came about in late 40's advocating for the human rights of various sectors particularly:
  • Women workers
  • Migrants
  • Religious/linguistic/ethnic groups
  • Children
"ARCS operation in the Philippines is in conformity with its Convention with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed in Rome on January 3, 1995, for the implementation of the Project Upgrading of the Philippine General Hospital", as approved by the Directional Committee for the Italian Cooperation for Development.
Sustainable societies promoting development through children's rights.
To address children's conditions focusing on the poor in the Asia-Pacific region within a comprehensive approach to child development.
  1. Implement early childhood development programs through the establishment of strong and reliable partnerships with NGO's and INGO's working in this field.
  2. Support NGO's and other institutions to run child development programs through provision of technical, material or financial assistance.
  3. Raise awareness of the Philippine public about children's rights by sharing ARCS' experience in child development.
  4. Raise public awareness in Europe about development issues by sharing critical information from the Asia-Pacific Region.
  5. To establish relationships with organizations at regional level in order to widen the scope of activities in the Asia-Pacific Region.
  6. Enhance program implementation through the collaboration with the academe, government organizations and other institutions.
  • Supply of medical equipment to the PGH Pediatrics Department and provide training to staff who will deal with the transferred technologies.
  • Addresses the referral problems from the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of health care.
  • Maternal and Child Health - covers the issue of pregnancy, delivery and infancy.
  • Children in Especially Difficult Circumstances is supporting child care and struggle against abuse.
Contact Info
1051 Don Pedro St.
Singalong, Manila
Telephone Number: (632) 307-1960
Facsimile Number: (632) 307-1960
Cellphone Number: 0918-8752188

The Ateneo Human Rights Center is a university-based institution working for the protection and promotion of human rights. Created in October 1986, the Center is located in the School of Law of the Ateneo de Manila University.
The Center seeks to realize its mandate through programs which focus on the continuing formation of human rights advocates among lawyers, law students, and grassroots leaders, the monitoring of the human rights situation in the Philippines and abroad, research and publication, public education on peace, development and human rights, and legal assistance to indigent victims of human rights abuses.
Adhikain Para sa Karapatang Pambata. In November 1993, the Center established the Adhikain para sa Karapatang Pambata (AKAP), the children's rights desk of the Center, in response to a growing demand for the legal protection of children. AKAP is a pioneer in the legal protection and promotion of Children's Rights in the Philippines. While there are many welfare organizations catering to the needs of the children, AKAP is one of the very few law groups in the country directly involved in and specializing in the area of legal protection.
  1. Provide legal assistance to children or to persons acting on their behalf who have become victims of abuse, exploitation or abandonment, i.e., child labor and sexual abuse as well as to children who have come in conflict with the law.
  2. Propose legislative measures and policies that are designed to further promote and protect the rights of the child;
  3. Engage in policy advocacy;
  4. Conduct paralegal seminars and lectures to various groups concerned with issues affecting the rights of the child properly equip them the information and skills necessary in handling cases of violations of children's rights;
  5. Conduct information drives and campaigns on the current and vital issues affecting children; and
  6. Coordinate and relate with other institutions, organizations and agencies in order to maximize support and action for the protection of children's rights.
    Aims to stir awareness sensitivity in each individual to recognize and take up his moral responsibility to stand up for children's rights. In pursuance thereof, AKAP has been continually undertaking the following activities:
    • Publications;
    • Organizational networking
    • Development of library containing legal materials pertaining to the promotion and protection of the rights of the child;
    • Information drives and service campaigns
    This addresses the need to extend legal assistance to children who have become victims of abuse exploitation and abandonment, i.e., child labor and sexual abuse as well as to those who have become in conflict with the law. The following activities have been answering theses needs:
    • Litigation;
    • Law reform and policy advocacy;
    • Paralegal education
Children's Rights Desk
Ateneo Human Rights Center
G/F Ateneo Professional Schools Building
Rockwell Drive, Rockwell Center
Makati City
Telephone Number: 729-6583 / 729-2003
Facsimile Number: 729-2009

The Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Sexual Abuse (CPTCSA) began its services in February 1995 to fill the gap in services concerning the sexual abuse of Filipino children. It also provides training for professionals involved with children, with focus on schools, social service agencies, and churches. The CPTCSA is licensed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development, recognized by the Department of Education, Culture, and Sport, and a member of The National Council of Social Development and International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect.
  • increase awareness on child sexual abuse, its causes, victims, effects, and strategies for prevention within the Philippines;
  • create an understanding that child sexual abuse should be a national concern;
  • provide direct prevention and mental health services to children and/or victims and their families to avoid or minimize long term trauma and effects of sexual abuse
  • the service will strengthen existing inhibitors by (a)increasing general awareness of child sexual abuse by printing and disseminating advocacy and prevention education materials and, (b) increasing access for victims to report abuse through already existing and strengthened systems
  • the service will create new inhibitors by (a) equipping parents with strategies to protect their children, (b) equipping professionals with strategies to protect children, and (c) empowering children through strategies of protection and reporting.
  • The service will increase mental health services to victims and families by (a) providing direct individual or group therapy, (b) training counselors to serve children, (c) equipping parents of victims with strategies to prevent further abuse and to cope with the abuse in order to avoid family disintegration, and (d) strengthening referral services for legal or other assistance when needed.
  • THERAPY (individual, group, family)
  • PREVENTION EDUCATION (personal safety)
150 Sct. Fuentebella,
1103 Quezon City
Telefax: (632) 411-0136

Council for the Welfare of Children
Council for the Welfare of Children
Agency Background:
The Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) is the central coordinating agency of the Philippine government for children's protection, welfare and development. Created through Presidential Decree No. 603, otherwise known as the Child and Youth Welfare Code, CWC is responsible in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of all laws and programs for children as well as in ensuring that these are implemented within the context of the Code and the Philippine Plan of Action for Children.
Since its creation in 1974, CWC, has been carrying out the mandate by developing and undertaking projects and activities encompassing all concerns on children towards:
  • Policy and plan formulation
  • Coordination and monitoring
  • Network expansion
  • Advocacy and mobilization
Improved quality of life for Filipino children enabling them to develop their full potentials and participate in community life and nation-building.
    To ensure protection of children against all forms of abuse and exploitationTo advocate for children's rights and promote their welfare and development To ensure that children are given priority attention at all levels both by government and civil society
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2363, QCPO 1114
Physical Address
CWC Building, 10 Apo Street
Sta. Mesa Heights
Quezon City
Telephone Numbers: 743-8375 / 740-8863 / 781-1035 / 781-1033
Facsimile: 740-8863 / 743-8374

Poverty alleviation and empowerment of disadvantaged families and communities with capability to improve their quality of life thru the provision of assistance to LGUs, NGOs, and other NGAs, POs and other members of civil society.
Enable Local Government Units (LGUs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), other National Government Agencies (NGAs), People's Organization (POs), and other members of civil society to implement programs, projects and services that will alleviate poverty and empower disadvantaged individuals, families and communities for an improved quality of life.
Batasan Complex, Constitution Hills
Quezon City
Telephone Numbers: 931-9143 / 931-7916 / 931-8068
Facsimile: 931-8149

ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and the Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes)
ECPAT Philippines is a part of a global network that protects children against commercial sexual exploitation.
ECPAT Mission Statement
ECPAT is a global network of organizations and individuals working together for the elimination of child prostitution, child pornography and the the trafficking of children for sexual purposes.
It seeks to encourage the world community to ensure that children everywhere enjoy their fundamental rights free and secure from all forms of commercial sexual exploitation.
What does ECPAT do?
  • Information Drive. Disseminates information to the public and through the media in areas where commercial sex exploitation is highly prevalent.
  • Monitoring and casework. Monitors the activities of sex exploiters and helps facilitate their prosecution; facilitates legal assistance and the delivery of services to the child victims.
  • Support services to child care workers and caregivers. Facilitates training on psycho-social recovery/rehabilitation of child victims.
  • Young people's participation project. ECPAT highly regards and supports the involvement of children and young people themselves in seeking solutions to commercial sexual exploitation.
  • Networking and advocacy. Works closely with non-government organizations and international bodies and coordinates with government agencies in seeking ways and means for the elimination of child sexual exploitation; works with the tourism sector to ensure that changes on tourism policies will occur for the protection of children; serves as a watchdog of the Philippine government and other governments to strictly enforce laws and international instruments protecting children;
  • Research and Documentation. Conducts investigative and in-depth studies on the situation of commercial sexual exploitation of children; documents cases of child victims; maintains a library and database of information.
ECPAT Philippines has an office in Cebu. ECPAT-Cebu is a member of Stop Abuse of Minors Association (SAMA, Inc), a project supported by Terre des Hommes-Netherlands.
ECPAT-Philippines is located at:
123 V. Luna Road Extension
Sikatuna Village
1101 Quezon City, Philippines
Tel No. (632) 433-5527 / (632) 925-2804
Fax no. (632) 433-1150
ECPAT-Cebu Desk
c/o Cebu Hope Center
Banilad, 6000 Cebu City
Tel. (032) 233-0470
Fax: (032) 233-0481

Save the Children
Save the Children (UK) Philippines
We look forward to a world:
          which respects and values each child
          which listens to children and learns
          where all children have hope and opportunity
Save the Children fights for children’s rights and delivers immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives worldwide.
Our values reflect the way we strive to operate as we seek to fulfil our mission:
          We are child-focused
          Ambitious but practical
          One team
          Child-focused economic policies
          Basic services enjoyed by all children
          Children safeguarded in emergencies
          Children protected and respected as citizens
          - Increased awareness, commitment and capacities of children, families, communities and partner organisations to uphold children’s rights.
          - Services and support systems are created at the community level to ensure the protection of children.
          - Laws, policies and programmes on Child Protection are enforced and institutionalised in accordance with the UN CRC and Child Rights Programming principles.
          - A favourable social environment for the wider promotion of children's rights is developed.
          - Preparedness and protection of children in emergencies are integrated in the work of identified partners and communities, and mechanisms for sustaining these are ensured even after SC-UK’s phase-out from the Philippines.
          - Partnerships that are based on shared learning, governance and accountability are developed between and among SC-UK and partner organisations. This will constitute the foundation for the establishment of a dynamic and effective social movement on child rights in the Philippines.
Contact Information
3/F FSS Building 1
89 Scout Castor Street, Quezon City
Telephone: (63-2) 372-3483
Facsimile: (63-2) 372-3484

UNICEF is the only United Nations agency specifically devoted to the world's children. It was organized by the United Nations General Assembly on the 11 December 1946 to assist children victims of World War II, "on the basis of need without discrimination because race, creed, nationality, status, or political belief" (UN Executive Board, 1946).
In October 1953, the UN General Assembly broadened UNICEF's mandate to respond to the long-term needs of children in developing countries, where the effects of poverty were often most harsh on children.
Today, guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNICEF continues to promote the principles of non-discrimination and universality of rights. By the time UNICEF celebrated its 50th year in 1996, it was already working in 143 countries including the Philippines.
Officially organized on 20 November 1948, UNICEF Manila has been assisting Filipino children and their families. It provided milk, medicines, and other essential supplies. Together with the World Health Organization, UNICEF engaged in campaigns against diseases such as leprosy and tuberculosis. To this day, UNICEF works in collaboration with other United Nations and donor agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and governments to make the world a better place for children to live and grow up in.
Country programming begins
In 1979, UNICEF began the First Country Programme for Children in the Philippines (CPC V), 1999-2003. Through a combination of cash assistance, provision of supplies, and technical assistance, UNICEF helps key government and non-governmental agencies meet the needs and promote the rights of Filipino children.
The Mission of UNICEF
UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.
UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards behaviour towards children.
UNICEF insists that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development imperatives that are integral to human progress.
UNICEF mobilizes political will and material resources to help countries, particularly developing countries, ensure a first call for children and to build their capacity to form appropriate policies and deliver services for children and their families.
UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities.
UNICEF responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children. In coordination with the United Nations partners and humanitarian agencies, UNICEF makes its unique facilities for rapid response available to its partners to relieve the suffering of children and those who provide their care.
UNICEF is non-partisan and its cooperation is free of discrimination. In everything it does, the most disadvantaged children and the countries in greatest need have priority.
UNICEF aims, through its country programmes, to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to support their full participation in the political, social and economic development of their communities.
UNICEF works with all its partners towards the attainment of the sustainable human development goals adopted by the world community and the realization of the vision of peace and social progress enshrined in the charter of the United Nations.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1076, Makati Central
Post Office, 1250 Makati City
Physical Address:
6/F NEDA sa Makati Building
106 Amorsolo Street, Makati City
Telephone Number: 892-0611 to 25 / 810-1453
Facsimile: 816-4061 / 810-1453
Representative: Dr. Terrel Hill

University of the Philippines-Center for Integrative & Development Studies
The Psychosocial Trauma and Human Rights Program (PST) was established in 1993 as a subprogram under the Peace, Conflict Resolution and Human Rights Program of the Center for Integrative and Development Studies of the University of the Philippines (UP CIDS). The creation of PST, which was inspired by the Lisl and Leo Eitinger Award for Human Rights conferred by Norway's University of Oslo on its founding directors (Ms. June Pagaduan Lopez, M.D. and Ms. Elizabeth Protacio-Marcelino, Ph.D), paved the way for the mainstreaming and institutionalization of psychosocial trauma and human rights concerns in the academe. The PST became a full program of the UP CIDS in 1996.
The initial thrust of the program was on psychosocial trauma resulting from political violence, or particularly the armed conflict situation. As a result of PST's continuing dialogue and discussion with advocates, scholars and practitioners from the academe, government, and non-government communities, PST expanded its mandate to include psychosocial trauma as experienced by individuals, families, and communities in various contexts of violence. More specialized research to document and analyze psychosocial trauma as experienced by women and by children were undertaken.
Today, the research, networking, and information activities of PST are conveniently divided and managed into three areas, namely, childhood and child rights, torture prevention and rehabilitation, and violence against women.
  • To undertake police-relevant research on the effects of psychosocial trauma related to violence at the level of direct victims, survivors and caregivers, as well as communities exposed to, or recovering from the psychosocial consequences of violence;
  • To apply theories and methodologies derived from research in reviewing and the curricula of relevant disciples;
  • To explore and assess arrange of alternative forms of intervention for caregivers, communities and individual survivors of violence;
  • To publish reports on psychosocial trauma and human rights in the Philippines;
  • To organize conferences, workshops, and roundtable discussions on issues and policies pertinent to research and treatment of psychosocial trauma and human rights; and
  • To facilitate collection of, and access to, information on psychosocial trauma and human rights through effective and appropriate methods and techniques of information handling.
Research. Research is aimed at satisfying the need for integration of theory and practice, thinking and action by both the academe and field practitioners. As such, the research undertaken by the program is integrative and holistic, taking into account the social political, historical, and economic perspectives. For this reason, research is policy-oriented, interdiscipinary and participatory.
Networking. The program is committed to strengthen networking in its effort to sustain and institutionalize human rights concerns in the academe. It is directed towards disseminating research results, developing research expertise, and promoting exchange of resources through conferences and symposia.
Documentation/Publication. The program provides a specialized information service through the Library of Psychosocial Trauma. It maintains an extensive collection on childhood and child rights, and on torture prevention and rehabilitation. The program also provides training and consultation services for the upgrading of documentation and information work of individuals and organizations within its network.
Convenor: Elizabeth P. Protacio
Co-Convenor: June Pagaduan Lopez
Program Officer: Agnes Zenaida V. Camacho
Psychosocial Trauma and Human Rights Program
Center for Integrative and Development Studies
University of the Philippines
Ang Bahay ng Alumni, Magsaysay Avenue
UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City
Tel. Nos.: (632) 4356890; (632) 929-3540 local 20
Fax nos.: (632) 928-9691

UP-PGH Child Protection Unit
UP-CM PGH Child Protection Unit
Committed to the highest clinical standards of care for abused children, this is a collaborative program of the Philippine General Hospital and the University of the Philippines Manila with financial and operational support from the Advisory Board Foundation.
Provide round-the-clock diagnosis and intervention for abused children consistent with the highest standards of medical practice.
Establish a model unit composed of key medical and professional disciplines linked through effective working partnerships with government agencies and non-governmental organizations.
Design and implement a training program and curriculum on child abuse.
Create an infrastructure for clinical research on child abuse to develop strategies for intervention, program evaluation and prevention.
  1. Medical & Psychosocial Intervention
    • Direct Medical Care
    • Rapid Diagnosis & Evaluation
    • Mental Health Services
    • Continuing Case Coordination
  2. Network Partnerships
    • Network Partner Relationships
    • Network-Wide Tertiary Referral Center
    • Best Practices Initiatives
  3. Training & Education
    • Development of Child Abuse Curriculum
    • Specialized Skills Training
    • Ongoing Professional Seminars
    • Consultation to Other Programs
  4. Research & Development
    • Formulation of Research Objectives
    • Development of Information Systems
    • Creation of Library
    • Local Publication
    • Strategic Analysis of Infrastructure needs
Contact Info
Physical Address
Department of Pediatrics
Philippine General Hospital
Taft Avenue, Ermita
Manila, Philippines 1000
Telephone Numbers
(632) 526-8418
(632) 521-8450 local 2214
(632) 524-0712


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