
Coalition of Services of the Elderly

Thursday, May 19, 2011

About  Us

A group of people representing government and non-government and people’s organization met in 1989 under the sponsorship of HelpAge International.  Philippine culture has a tradition of both respecting older people to form Community Based Programs to confront important issues.  The combination of the two has resulted in an organization and program that focuses on keeping older people in the community who continue to contribute to the life of their community.  

Since that time COSE has supported the formation of Community Based Programs around the country


An outsider experiencing a community based program of poor older people for the first time would immediately conclude the greatest needs to be economic and health care. Invariably if older people are asked what program is most meaningful they most likely will choose “social”. The fact is older people need another reference groups besides the family and enjoys one another company. Special occasions are beach parties, Flores de Mayo and the celebration of the “Ten Outstanding Elderly” awards – but even monthly celebrations of birthdays or group projects are enjoyable ‘socials’

The ability to speak for oneself and ones peer is a sure sign of growth. Both on the local and the national level older people have claimed their rights for health care, for social pension, for participation and most importantly to continue to grow.

In cooperation with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) COSE has developed three Group Homes where abandoned older women can live together as a community supporting one another . The communities consist of 5 to 10 older capable women in Dela Costa Housing developments. Former President Gloria Macapagal issued E)104 to support development of group homes in every municipality of the country.

In keeping with traditional Filipino values, abandoned and bed ridden older people can best be cared for the content of the community itself. Older people are trained in Home Care and like the responsibility to bathe, feed, monitor and clean both the bed ridden and their homes. The DSWD has issued national guidelines for the home care program.

Invariably, in common with all humanity, older people become depressed, angry, upset etc. Older people in community based programs are trained in non- directive counseling, helping older people to solve their problems. The peer counselors in many ways, paralleled the community organizing process in that, ultimately it is the people themselves who decide what to be done.

The Philippine is one of the most disaster prone areas in the world and older people have much experience in confronting disaster. Drawing on the experience of older people, trainings prepare people for the myriad disaster that regularly visit the country.

Shortly after being organized, community based programs need to become financially stable and a number of techniques are employed in order to raise funds 

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